Over 30,000 registered bounty hunters are waiting for your successful ico Create a bounty campaign now

DubTokens Баунти кампания

О кампании DubTokens Завершена

Дата: 21.12.2017 - 25.03.2018


  • Протокол: Erc20
  • Ticker: DTX
  • Категории: Другое
  • Hard Cap: 30,000,000 $

Баунти Менеджер:

  • Имя: btcltcdigger
  • Все кампании: 24



Post your reports every week on a report form from bounty thread.

Поделиться в:

Facebook feed

Аватар, персональный текст и код подписи здесь: Ссылка на тему


1. To sign up follow the link: CLICK HERE
2. Spreadsheet: CLICK HERE

Правила и условия:

1. Newbies are not allowed to Join
2. Use signature to the end of the campaign
3. Posts with less than 75 characters will not be counted as valid posts
4. Make 100 posts to the end of the campaign


Jr.Member: 1 stake
Member: 3 stakes
Full Member/Sr.Member: 5 stakes
Herro/Legendary: 7 stakes
Avatar: 1 stake


1. To sign up follow the link: CLICK HERE
2. Spreadsheet: CLICK HERE

Правила и условия:

1. Facebook account must have over 100 friends
2. Must like, comment and repost daily at:
3. Bounty ends when ICO ends
4. Payments will be made up to 30 days after completion of the ICO
5: Maximum 5 likes/shares per week


1. Have more than 100 friends: 10 stakes/weeks
2. Have more than 501 friends: 30 stakes/weeks
3. Have more than 1001 friends: 50 stakes/weeks
4. Have more than 1501 friends: 70 stakes/weeks
5. Have more than 2501 friends: 120 stakes/weeks


1. To sign up follow the link: CLICK HERE
2. Spreadsheet: CLICK HERE

Правила и условия:

1: Twitter account must have over 200 Followers
2. Must follow, like and retweet daily at:
3: Payments will be made up to 30 days after completion of the ICO
4: Maximum 5 tweets/retweets per week


1. Have more than 200 followers: 10 stakes/weeks
2. Have more than 501 followers: 30 stakes/weeks
3. Have more than 1001 followers: 50 stakes/weeks
4. Have more than 2001 followers: 70 stakes/weeks
5. Have more than 5,001 followers: 120 stakes/weeks


1. To sign up follow the link: CLICK HERE
2. Spreadsheet: CLICK HERE

Правила и условия:

1. Join channel
2. Stay in channel until end of ICO


1. To sign up follow the link: CLICK HERE
2. Spreadsheet: CLICK HERE

Правила и условия:

1. Describe dubtokens and it's features 
2. Upload them on YouTube and/or Facebook
3. Must have atleast 50 subscribers
4. Duration should not be less than 2 minutes of actual content
5. Stakes will be allotted on the basis of the quality and audience of the video. The amount of stakes assigned is non negotiable.
6. Plagiarism or use of other's material will be considered as an invalid submission 


1. Normal quality: 10 stakes
2. Medium quality: 30 stakes
3. High quality: 50 stakes
4. TOP quality: 100 stakes


1. To sign up follow the link: CLICK HERE
2. Spreadsheet: CLICK HERE


1. Write an article on Reddit about dubtokens: 10 stakes


1. To sign up follow the link: CLICK HERE
2. Spreadsheet: CLICK HERE

Правила и условия:

1. A translation must be of a high quality. Not done by using translating tools, google and another.
2. The translator should be responsible and moderate the translation thread
3. Enter your translation results no later than 6 days after accepted


Whitepaper file (.doc): HERE TBD
Image files: HERE*
*Note that only backgrounds have been added, you fill the text yourself


1. Translate ANN Thread: 50 stakes
2. Translate Whitepaper: 300 stakes
3. Moderation thread: 5 stakes/posts


1. To sign up follow the link: CLICK HERE
2. Spreadsheet: CLICK HERE


1. Follow official Medium page: 1 stake
2. Write an article on Medium/Blog about dubtokens: 20 stakes


1. To sign up follow the link: CLICK HERE
2. Spreadsheet: CLICK HERE

Правила и условия:

1. Linkedin account must have over 100 connections
2. Must follow, comment and repost daily at:
3. Bounty ends when ICO ends
4. Payments will be made up to 30 days after completion of the ICO
5: Maximum 5 shares per week


1. Have more than 100 connections: 10 stakes/weeks
2. Have more than 200 connections: 30 stakes/weeks
3. Have more than 300 connections: 50 stakes/weeks
4. Have more than 400 connections: 70 stakes/weeks
5. Have more than 500 connections: 120 stakes/weeks

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