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Export Online

Export Online Bounty campaign

About Export Online close

Date: 26.03.2018 - 30.06.2018

Token Details:

  • Coin types: Erc20
  • Ticker: EXON
  • Categories: Trading
  • Total Tokens: 36,547,525
  • Hard Cap: 20,000,000 $
  • Bitcointalk bounty: Topic Link
  • Bounty budget: 986,783 EXON
  • Percent bounty: 2.7%
  • Bounty distribution: After ico


Most of the processes associated with international trade are handled.
At the moment, in order to export goods, you must have staff or companies on outsourcing, which will work for your tasks.
There is no one-stop-shop system for a participant in foreign trade activities
In the market there is no "button" or site, which would solve all the tasks facing the exporter.
In order to start exporting goods abroad, the company needs to undergo many stages.
Taking into account the disconnected sources of information and tools, the process of preparing for export now takes half a year for companies.

The international trading platform  EXPORT.ONLINE is created to solve the existing problems and difficulties of exporters associated with the start and conduct of activities in international trade.
The project combines disparate tools and databases in one
-stop-shop mode, allowing clients to reduce their time for preparation and execution of an international transaction by more than 3 times and improve the efficiency of their business by increasing the productivity of their employees. No need to have a large staff or independently look for multidisciplinary specialists on outsource, just connect to the EXPORT.ONLINE platform and implement the whole process there.

Stages of tokens selling

Early bird, presale, ICO

Total will be released 36 547 525 Tokens
Allocated to sell to investors 84.3%
Allotted to the Bounty campaign 2,7%
Allocated to the project team 13%

Early bird
Final 20.02.18
Soft Cap - 200 000 USD
Hard Cap - 550 000 USD
1 UTT = 0.46 USD
Permanent bonus 54% to the price of the ICO!

In the unlikely event that not all tokens are sold, the remaining ones will be destroyed.

Our team

Share campaign in:

Facebook feed

Bitcointalk 26.03.2018 - 19.06.2018

Avatar, personal text and signature codes here: Topic Link


How to join:
1. Add Signature and Avatar of your profile rank.
2. Register in our bounty portal.
3. Connect your Bitcointalk account and join to Bitcointalk campaign in the bounty portal -
4. Verify your status in spreadsheet and Join us on Telegram.
5. Post a message in the bounty thread with the following information:


Signature and Avatar campaign

Bitcointalk url: ...
Telegram url:

The spreadsheet is automatically update every day. Manually (spam and bad quality content) - once a week.

Rules, Terms and Conditions:

Bitcointalk account requirements:
•   The Bitcointalk Forum user rank should be at least Jr. Member. 
•   Bitcointalk accounts with negative trusts shall not be allowed to participate.
Campaign participation rules: 
•   Subscribe EXPORT.ONLINE to your Bitcointalk profile according to your rank.
•   The users with the rank higher than Full Member are obliged to add a profile picture. 
•   Make at least 10 messages at Bitcointalk Forum every week. 
•   The minimum message length is 75 characters.
•   You should be an active user, don't write all the messages on one and the same day. 
•   The messages written in Altcoins (Announcements), Forks sections and in the Official project topics translated into your local language will be accepted only.
•   Messages without meaning or subject matter will not be accepted. 
•   If you remove the signature before the Bounty is over, you will not receive the award. 


  • Junior Member - 4 of a Stakes 
    Member - 8 Stakes
    Full Member /Senior Member – 12 Stakes
    Hero member/Legendary member – 14 Stakes

Facebook 26.03.2018 - 28.06.2018


How to join:
1. Follow and Like the official EXPORT.ONLINE Facebook page:
2. Register in our bounty portal.
3. Connect your Facebook account and join to Facebook campaign in the bounty portal -
4. Verify your status in spreadsheet and Join us on Telegram.
5. Post a message in the bounty thread with the following information:


Facebook campaign

Facebook url:
Telegram url:

Please don't forget to join the necessary bounty campaigns after registration. If you do not do this, your actions will not be rewarded.
The spreadsheet is automatically update every day. Manually once a week and at the end of the camapign.

Rules, Terms and Conditions:

Facebook account requirements: 
•   Your account must be at least 3 months old.
•   You should have over 500 followers. 
•   The account should be public in the Internet. 
•   Fake accounts are not allowed, such accounts will not be accepted and paid.
Campaign participation rules:
•   Subscribe the EXPORT.ONLINE official account in Facebook: 
•   One user can participate with one Facebook account only.
•   It is necessary to like and share at least 5 project posts a week. 
•   It is allowed to like and share maximum 2 project posts a day. 
•   Do not share and like posts that are more than two weeks old (14 days). They will NOT be counted.
•   You need to make at least 2 constructive post a week about EXPORT.ONLINE using all our the hashtags: #EXPORTONLINE,  #EXPORTONLINEICO, #EXON,  #Crypto, #Blockchain
•   Maximum 1 post per day.


  • 500-999 subscribers – 2 Stakes a week. 
    1000-2999 subscribers – 4 Stakes a week.
    3000-4990 subscribers – 6 Stakes a week.
    Over 4990 subscribers – 7 Stakes a week.

Twitter 26.03.2018 - 19.06.2018


How to join:
1. Follow us on Twitter:
2. Register in our bounty portal
3. Connect your Twitter account and join to Twitter campaign in the bounty portal -
4. Verify your status in spreadsheet and Join us on Telegram.
5. Post a message in the bounty thread with the following information:


Twitter campaign

Twitter url:
Telegram url:

Please don't forget to join the necessary bounty campaigns after registration. If you do not do this, your actions will not be rewarded.
The spreadsheet is automatically update every day. Manually once a week and at the end of the camapign.

Rules, Terms and Conditions:

Twitter account requirements:
•   Your account must be at least 3 months old.
•   You should have over 500 subscribers.
•   The account should be public in the Internet.
•   Fake accounts are not allowed, such accounts will not be accepted and payed.
•   Twitter account audit should have over 85% of real subscribers, and most of them should be crypto oriented.

Campaign participation rules:
•   Subscribe the EXPORT.ONLINE official account in Twitter:
•   You should like and retweet at least 5 project posts a week. 
•   It is allowed to like and retweet maximum 2 project posts a day.
•   You need to make at least 2 constructive tweet a week about EXPORT.ONLINE using all our the hashtags: @exportonlineico, #EXPORTONLINE,  #EXPORTONLINEICO, #EXON,  #Crypto, #Blockchain
•   Do not share and like retweets that are more than two weeks old (14 days). They will NOT be counted.
•   Maximum 1 tweet per day.


  • 500-999 subscribers – 2 Stakes a week. 
    1000-2999 subscribers – 4 Stakes a week. 
    3000-4999 subscribers – 6 Stakes a week. 
    Over 5000 subscribers – 7 Stakes a week.

Translation 26.03.2018 - 19.06.2018


How to join:
1. Register in our bounty portal.
2. Join to Translations campaign in the bounty portal -
3. Verify your status in spreadsheet and Join us on Telegram.

4. Post a message in the bounty thread with the following information:


Translation and Moderation campaign

WhitePaper Translation or/and ANN & BOUNTY Translation 
Translation language

Bitcointalk url: ...
Telegram url:

5. Please wait to be contacted before starting the translation. If you will be selected, we will write a PM to confirm.

ANN: thread.
Bounty: thread.
WhitePaper: here.

Rules, Terms and Conditions:

Bitcointalk account requirements:
•   The Bitcointalk Forum user rank should be at least Jr. Member.
•   Bitcointalk accounts with negative trusts shall not be allowed to participate.

Campaign participation rules:
•   The participant should translate the initial message of EXPORT.ONLINE, create a topic in his language in a corresponding local section of Bitcointalk and post the translated text there.
•   Priority languages for translation: Arabic, Azerbaijani, Polish, Bulgarian, Japanese, Malay, Slovenian, Italian, Romanian, French, Spanish, German, Thai, Hindi, Korean, Chinese, French, Portuguese, Indonesian, Vietnamese.
•   The use of machine translation (Google Translate and others alike) is strictly prohibited: the participant who makes such a translation will be disqualified.
•   Translation without reserving is not allowed. We are not responsible to pay to those translations which are done without asking first and approval.
•   If the translator fails to keep the thread active and updated, his/her reward can be reduced by 50% of the actual payment or he/she can be disqualified.
•   Bounty Manager and the EXPORT.ONLINE Team reserve their right to make changes to these terms or apply new ones.
•   After you receive our approval, you have 5 days to complete ANN & BOUNTY and 10 days to complete our Whitepaper.


  • WhitePaper Translation – 150  Stakes
  • ANN & BOUNTY Translation – 100  Stakes

Blogs and News 26.03.2018 - 19.06.2018


How to join:
1. Make a articles, posts, news about project EXPORT.ONLINE
2. Register in our bounty portal.
3. Join to Content Creation (Blogs and News) campaign in the bounty portal -
4. Verify your status in spreadsheet and Join us on Telegram.
5. Post a message in the bounty thread with the following information:


Blogs and News campaign

Content url: ...
Telegram url:

The spreadsheet will be update at the end of the campaign.
Please keep in mind that we reserve the right to refuse an article, if we considered the quality too low. All the decisions are made in good conscience. 

Rules, Terms and Conditions:

Articles, posts, news requirements:
•   The material should be written in one of the following languages: English, Arabic, Azerbaijani, Polish, Russian, Bulgarian, Japanese, Chinese, Malay, Slovenian, Italian, Romanian, French, Spanish, German, Thai, Hindi, Korean, French, Portuguese, Indonesian, Vietnamese.
•   The material should be public in the Internet.
•   The material should include several pictures, it should consist of at least 1000 symbols (excluding space) and  2 links (the first one to the official web-site of the project –, and the second one to the Official topic at Bitcointalk – 
•   The material should be unique. The information copied from Bitcointalk or from the project web-site will not be accepted.
Campaign participation rules:
•   The material should be posted with regard to the appearance requirements, at a news web-site, in a personal blog or a personal page in the Internet.
•   The outreach of the followers should amount to at least 500 people. 
•   Maximum 1 article per week.


  • Ordinary material – 2 Stake
    Good material – 4 Stakes
    Excellent material – 7 Stakes
    Brilliant material – 10 Stakes

YouTube Reviews 26.03.2018 - 19.06.2018


How to join:
1. Make a video review of project EXPORT.ONLINE.
2. Register in our bounty portal.
3. Join to YouTube Reviews campaign in the bounty portal -
4. Verify your status in spreadsheet and Join us on Telegram.
5. Post a message in the bounty thread with the following information:


YouTube Reviews campaign

YouTube account URL: ...
Telegram url:

The spreadsheet will be updated at the end of the campaign.
Please keep in mind that we reserve the right to refuse. All the decisions are made in good conscience.

Rules, Terms and Conditions:

Video review requirements: 
•   Your video should be auteur and should not infringe copyright of any other users. 
•   The video should be in one of the following languages: English, Arabic, Azerbaijani, Polish, Russian, Bulgarian, Japanese, Chinese, Malay, Slovenian, Italian, Romanian, French, Spanish, German, Thai, Hindi, Korean, French, Portuguese, Indonesian, Vietnamese. 
•   The video should be informative, meaningful and associated with EXPORT.ONLINE: 
sales of tokens, description of some WhitePaper aspects, associated technologies, comparison with competitors, etc.
•   In the description of the video, there should be at least 1 link to our materials (web-site, social networks account and topics at Bitcointalk) with information on the ICO term.
•   The video should be from 3 to 10 minutes long
•   Maximum 1 video review per week.

Campaign participation rules: 
•   The Bitcointalk Forum user rank should be at least Jr. Member.
•   Bitcointalk accounts with negative trusts shall not be allowed to participate.
•   We reserve the right to reject videos that do not comply with the requirements.


  • 100-499 views – 2 Stakes
  • 500-999 views – 4 Stakes
  • Over 1000 views – 8 Stakes

YouTube Creative Advertising 26.03.2018 - 19.06.2018


How to join:
1. Make a advertising video about the project EXPORT.ONLINE.
2. Register in our bounty portal.
3. Join to YouTube Creative Advertising campaign in the bounty portal -
4. Verify your status in spreadsheet and Join us on Telegram.
5. Post a message in the bounty thread with the following information:


YouTube Creative Advertising campaign

YouTube account URL: ...
Telegram url:

The spreadsheet will be updated at the end of the campaign.
Please keep in mind that we reserve the right to refuse. All the decisions are made in good conscience.

Rules, Terms and Conditions:

Advertising video requirements:
•   The Advertising video should be auteur and should not infringe copyright of any other users.                                                                                   •   The video should be in one of the following languages: English, Arabic, Azerbaijani, Polish, Russian, Bulgarian, Japanese, Chinese, Malay, Slovenian, Italian, Romanian, French, Spanish, German, Thai, Hindi, Korean, French, Portuguese, Indonesian, Vietnamese.
•   The video should be informative and creative, with high-quality processing.
•   In the description of the video, there should be at least 1 link to our materials (web-site, social networks account and topics at Bitcointalk) with information on the ICO term. 
•   The Advertising video should last up to 3 minutes.
•   Maximum 1 video per week.

Campaign participation rules: 
•   The Bitcointalk Forum user rank should be at least Jr. Member.
•   Bitcointalk accounts with negative trusts shall not be allowed to participate.
•   We reserve the right to reject videos that do not comply with the requirements.

Some ideas for the video:
•   Explain the EXPORT.ONLINE architecture. Why is it unique and what are its benefits?
•   What are the benefits of EXPORT.ONLINE in comparison with other competing projects?
•   When will EXPORT.ONLINE ICO start and why is it worth participating? 
•   Any positive texts concerning the project.


  • 100-499 views – 2 Stakes
  • 500-999 views – 4 Stakes
  • Over 1000 views – 8 Stakes
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